Friday, July 18, 2008

It's not hard to be a competent hunter.

Your competency is not represented by your guild's progression.
Your competency is not represented by your epic collection.
Your competency is not represented by your arena rating.
Your competency is not represented by your pet.
Your competency is not represented by your DPS meter.

DPS meters and raid logging programs are only of use by two kinds of people, raid leaders and ePeen strokers. A DPS meter can help a hunter find problems in their playstyle and gearing but so can websites like and mods like Ratings Buster. At that point is a meter really needed? As long as the trash is dying, the bosses are dying, and there are few (if any) wipes then the group is doing FINE.

Your competency is directly, DIRECTLY represented by two things. Your skill in playing the class, and your ability to consistently not be a stupid hunter. Why so many people are unable to be a competent hunter is beyond me. I'll even cut a break for the people that can't master the jumpshot:
  • Unless your pet is tanking, offtanking, or the main tank requests you do so; DO NOT enable growl in an instance or with a party.
  • Unless you have absolutely no choice, DO NOT melee. An instance is no place to be leveling your staff skill, do that on your own time.
  • Unless you are trapping behind the party, DO NOT run away from a mob that's aggroing on you. Use "feign death", freezing trap, your pet's intimidate (if talented for it), or just drag the mob back to the main tank.
  • Learn to jumpshot. If for whatever reason you can't, learn to use maximum range, traps, distracting and concussive shot to kite as much as you can.
  • DO NOT forget to bring at least one stack of food for your pet at all times.
  • DO NOT forget to bring at least one stack of health potions, mana potions, and your own drinks.
  • +SPI and +STR is not a hunter's friend. I understand that while leveling you will end up being dressed like a clown but please stay away from Spirit and Strength. If you need mana regen that bad look into buying wizard oils to apply to your weapons.
It's not hard to be a good hunter. Not hard at all.

WotLK Beta Up, Invites Going Out Soon.

I've got three horses in this race:
  1. Blizzcon Beta Key
  2. WoW Account Opt In
  3. Blizzard Store Account Opt In
Really hope one of the three pans out. I haven't been in a beta since EA's failed Multiplayer Battletech:3025.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Activating the Authenticator

On the 14th I finally got my token and as I sat down to do a nice big writeup with pictures, I nosed over to WoW Insider and found one of my friends there had already done such a post. Well heck there's really no sense in me doing what's already been done, so here are a few paragraphs from Amanda Dean's post "Activating The Authenticator" and a link you can follow to the full post:

The Blizzard Authenticator is currently sold out on the Blizzard Store. I'm sure there will be plenty more to come, when they're ready. I bought one as soon as I heard they were available. Although my experience with the Blizzard Store was not great, it was certainly better than some others. After my order was placed, every time I checked on in, I what appeared to be a rag doll murloc who informed me that an error occurred on the page.

My authenticator has arrived. Thanks to the free shipping from the Blizzard online store, I saved $0.59 in United States Postal Service postage. To be honest, I'm just glad to have my security token. The token come with a single piece of documentation, which directs the user to the security token FAQ page.

I expected the authenticator to be slightly larger. It's approximately the same size as the clicker for my Mustang. I have not yet devised a tether for it, but the device will soon be leashed to my computer.

Continue reading Activating the Authenticator