Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Need A Point.

I need a point to this blog. Sure I could do World of Warcraft hunter rants, but BigRedKitty and other blogs already have that covered. Does the world need another hunter blog that beats to death the same points of traps, shot rotations, builds and gear?

I own a Wii. I could I do a Wii-based blog. Though.. how many other blogs are out there that actually have news and contacts with Nintendo and other development companies?

Current Events? No.
Politics? No.
Sports? Nah.

Sure I could just post entries into this blog for no reason but to post, but I'd like to have a reason for this place aside from "post random stuff." Ideas anyone?

What I Miss About Davis 3

Redrum Burger (aka Murder Burger). I've never been here yet, I keep meaning to do so.

The "Check Mii Out" Contests Suck.

Last week's contest was for "A Galaxy-Hopping Spaceship Captain." The winner was Darth Vader. In fact, practically all the top 50 were:
  • Darth Vader
  • Cylon
  • Spock
Give me a break, no freaking creativity in the lot of them. The ones I chose? Looked like freaky aliens. Darth Vader never hopped between galaxies, much less was a spaceship captain! He was just some whiny kid from Tatooine.

Back Home

Safe and sound. Smoggy as hell though.

Hot Damn. They Still Sell It!

Rat Bastard root beer! I haven't seen this for sale in Las Vegas in years!

Picnic Day: Frat Parties

On this day more than any other there are wall to wall parties and people drinking like fish.