Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WotLK: The Beta

I have to admit, I feel bad about not playing the beta much at all. I was so excited to get the key and go bouncing through it. Then I realized something, I was alone.

I had no friends in the beta, and the few people from Cenarion Circle I knew were all Alliance side. It was boring. I enjoyed beta testing and bug reporting the starting Death Knight zone and quests, but once that was done, I was spit back out into the world at 58 to go level through the Outlands. The grinds for quests and leveling was horrible because there was no one to socialize with. That's what made getting to 60 and then 70 tolerable.

Maybe if I was getting a stipend, say for every X number of hours I get X amount of money off my next months subscription? I'd seriously have spent more time on the beta.

So there. The game is two months from launch, and I pretty much wasted my beta key. Oh well.

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